Welcome to HerculesAndKit.com
My name is Jim Glines, and I'd like to welcome you personally to the world of Hercules and Kit.
Hercules And Kit is my doing, and I hope you like it. To navigate the site use the Main Menu above - it's easy to do!
To learn about all of the inhabitants of this wonderful world, go to the Greetings! page to see their biographies, a photo and interesting facts.
The most recent Hercules And Kit is always here on the Welcome page but is also at The Cartoons! page, where you will find all of the cartoons in the series, not just for Hercules And Kit but all of the other cartoons, too. The newest cartoon is first and then they go back in time, so to start at the beginning, go to the end and work your way up!
Coming Attractions! shows you what is coming to the site and will give you updates on each of the cartoons and more that's on the way. There are also some here on the Welcome page, too, and to know more, click on the picture in the ad.
The Great Big Blog of Hercules and Kit is a blog you can read which will give you updates, info and all the other stuff you need to know.
The Questions? page brings you to a Frequently Asked Questions section so if you have a question, start there, and if you need more information or want to get in touch with me, use the CONTACT US link in the Main Menu.